Treatments for Lung Cancer and Cancer

Mesothelioma or Lung cancer is a rаrе form of саnсеr that’s mоѕt оftеn саuѕеd by asbestos exposure. It usually fоrmѕ in thе lungѕ of those whо hаvе bееn exposed tо this dеаdlу tоxіn, but sometimes occurs in thе аbdоmіnаl аrеа оr the area around thе hеаrt. Thеrе аrе a number оf thеrаріеѕ аvаіlаblе that саn hеlр рrоlоng ѕurvіvаl and minimize symptoms and discomfort, but іn most cases thе саnсеr іѕ too аggrеѕѕіvе and too аdvаnсеd at thе time оf diagnosis tо bе сurеd. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with stage 4 mesothelioma, we can help you find proper treatment.

If you hаvе lung cancer оr mеѕоthеlіоmа, уоur trеаtmеnt mау іnсludе ѕurgеrу, chemotherapy, radiation thеrару, аnd/оr targeted therapy. (Tаrgеtеd therapy uѕеѕ mеdісіnеѕ or other substances tо fіnd аnd аttасk ѕресіfіс lung cancer сеllѕ wіthоut harming normal сеllѕ.)

Yоur doctor may рrеѕсrіbе medicines tо prevent fluid buіlduр, ease раіn, оr rеlіеvе other complications оf уоur disease.

If уоu hаvе lung cancer оr mеѕоthеl..

Should I Be Preventing Sun After A Hair Transplant? 

Avoiding Sun After A Hair Transplant Procedure. Is it Necessary?
Hair transplantation is an excellent treatment that allows permanent treatment of hair loss in men and women, the best way to guarantee the success of treatment is to fully follow the postoperative recommendations. Many patients who go for a consultation have many doubts regarding the effects that sun exposure could have after hair transplantation and believe avoiding sun after a hair transplant is necessary. In this article we are going to dive deep into reasons why avoiding sun after a hair transplant is recommended and how it all works.

It is important to keep in mind that the scalp needs a lot of time to heal and for the follicles to form their roots. Exposure to the sun not only damages the skin, but also the hair follicles. This will undoubtedly cause a failure in the treatment. Although, according to Michigan hair transplant specialists, there are many simple ways to avoid damage.

The sun has negative effects on..

Asbestos Popcorn Ceilings: Are they Safe?

So the big question, Asbestos Popcorn ceilings: Are they safe? Back in the 1950’s and 1980’s there was a special type of ceiling that was in the form of a spray on texture type; popcorn ceiling. This style made it easy for contractors to hide unwanted blemishes quickly. Sadly, during this time span there was a tremendous demand for the use of this asbestos related product in the United States. About 1 and 10 percent of “popcorn ceilings,” “stucco ceiling”, “cottage-cheese ceiling,” and another populars name for this textured ceiling, generally had asbestos. Asbestos is dangerous and can cause cancer in which homeowners breathe in without knowing until years later are diagnosed with major health risks that could have been prevented.

If you are worried about “cottage cheese” ceilings in your residential home, I highly recommend you to purchase a test kit and or hire an asbestos abatement professional. If you purchase a test kit, you will have to gather a sample of the ceiling and mail i..

Can Hair Transplant Surgery Leave Scars?

Does Hair Transplant Surgery Leave Scars?
The technique used to perform the hair transplant will determine whether or not scars remain after the procedure. In the treatments with the FUE and FUSS techniques, the results are very natural and differ from each other in the way in which the follicular units are extracted from the donor area. In both cases, local anesthesia is used and they do not require hospitalization or cause any pain. In this article we are going to dive deep in into the commonly debated question of does hair transplant surgery leave scars? There are many factors to this question and the answer is not a straight forward.

Hair graft with the FUE technique
When using the FUE technique (Follicular Unit Extraction Technique) there are no scars after the capillary implant. This is because this technique does not make large incisions since it uses a special surgical instrument called microscopic punching (usually about 0.8 mm in diameter). Therefore, FUE leaves microscopic..

5 Places Where You Will Find Asbestos in 2018

5 Places Where You Can Find Asbestos in 2018

Every year, deadly diseases produced by asbestos exposure such as mesothelioma and asbestosis are responsible for hundreds of deaths. For this reason, regular campaigns against mesothelioma are made, focusing on preventing asbestos exposure, banning it, enforcing regulations, and strengthening national and international partnerships. Speaking with a mesothelioma lawyer can greatly benefit anyone diagnosed with mesothelioma, especially those diagnosed with Stage four mesothelioma or are showing Stage four mesothelioma symptoms.

It is easy to assume that asbestos exposure is no longer a dangerous thing to be worried about. Most of the United States population think asbestos was banned a long time ago. But unfortunately, it was not.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) of the USA tried to present a ban in the year 1989, but it was not enough for the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, which overturned it the proposition.

Nowadays, the use ..

Speedy Treatment for Back and Neck Pain.

Have you ever woken up with pain in your lower back from sleeping incorrectly or experienced neck pain from sitting at a workstation? Experiencing these pains occasionally is normal, but when they begin to impact your life by keeping you from work, family involvement and/or the activities you enjoy, immediate and fast action needs to be taken.

Preferred Rehabilitation offers quick help for sudden back and neck pain through their multidisciplinary program. This program offers multiple services in one convenient location and appointments within the same day. With the board-certified physicians at Spine, Sports Occupational Medicine PC, under one roof, patients are propelled to faster recovery.

Spine, Sports & Occupational Medicine PC physicians specialize in both non-surgical as well as surgical treatment. If prescribed, patients can see a Preferred Rehabilitation physical therapist the next day for evaluation, treatment and education, all designed to reduce pain. On-site diagnostics s..

Can Smoking Affect Your Own Hair ?

Can Smoking Affect My Hair Transplant?
Patients with hair transplants should consider the impact of smoking on the results of their procedure, but also their general health and the well-being of the people around them. Its common for people to ask; will smoking affect my Hair Transplant results? Well, we are going to cover this today.

With the passage of time, smoking affects the respiratory system to the point of hindering the ability to breathe. It is even the main risk factor for cancer of the lung, bladder, and larynx. Cardiovascular diseases are also some of the main health risks of an active smoker.

In the United States, smoking accounts for almost 20% of all deaths from cardiovascular disease. In addition, the fact of smoking also poses a risk to people around the smoker, known as passive smokers. Exposure to tobacco smoke accounts for around 70,000 annual deaths from heart disease. If you are looking for a Hair Transplant Michigan surgeon we recommend you contact SurgeonGate..

Smoking and Smoking Increases Risk for Lung Cancer 2018

Smoking and Asbestos Increases Risk for Lung Cancer in 2018
Researchers determined that smoking and asbestos exposure collectively can increase the risk of asbestos-related diseases up to 90 percent in some cases while having little or no causal effect on other diseases. Both smoking and asbestos irritate the lungs. Smoking is a well-known trigger for lung cancer. Chronic exposure to smoke (smoking) causes as many as 90% of lung cancers.

Breathing asbestos fibers can cause lung damage which can lead to non-cancerous asbestos diseases such as pleural disease and asbestosis, or to cancerous diseases such as lung cancer or mesothelioma. When asbestos fibers are inhaled, some may be expelled, but others may remain in the lungs for a lifetime. Cigarette smoking weakens the lungs and decreases their ability to expel fibers. Smoking also acts as an irritant in the air passages causing a higher production of mucus, thereby blocking the passage of air and further decreasing the removal of fibe..

Things to learn about bone fracture repair

A fracture is a broken bone. Doctors will use different methods to repair bone fractures depending on the injury’s location, type, and severity.
Fractures can be complete or partial. Some require surgery or metal plates, while others may only need a brace.

Everyone who experiences a fractured bone will heal differently. The healing process will depend on the nature and extent of the injury, the stability of fracture fixation, and biological processes, so a proper healing protocol is crucial.

In this article, we look at how doctors treat bone fractures, the science behind three main stages of bone healing, and home remedies to speed up bone repair.

Why should you get a bone fracture repaired?
If a person with a fractured bone does not get treatment from a doctor, there is a chance that the bone will heal in an unusual position.

One of the goals of treatment is to restore the normal anatomy. Doctor will manipulate and reset each part of the bone into its correct anatomic position.


Is There a Link Between Diabetes and Hair Loss?

Does diabetes and hair loss have a connection?
Diabetes and Hair Loss have been studied for years. The presence of a chronic disease, such as diabetes, sometimes involves alterations in many parts of your body, such as the retina, heart or kidney, and can also cause alterations in the blood vessels of the scalp and cause alterations in the growth and maturation of the hair follicle, facilitating its fall. The appearance of complications in diabetes is often related to poor control of the disease, so it is very important to be consistent with the treatments prescribed by the doctor or Michigan hair restoration expert and follow the advice about diet and physical exercise that should usually perform a patient with diabetes.

The relationship between diabetes and deterioration of hair health was established a long time ago. The hormonal imbalance that diabetes causes in the body often leads to hair loss or thinning hair. In fact, frequent hair loss is often considered one of the first sym..