The way to initiate Physical Therapy
Starting physical therapy can be a scary and stressful process. When your physician recommends PT, many people are unsure what to do next. Hopefully, this will help answer some common questions about how to set-up therapy and what to expect from PT.
Physician’s Referral
Some insurances require a signed prescription from a licensed physician (MD, DO) within the past 30 days to begin PT, which you will need to bring to the initial evaluation. Some insurance companies allow Direct Access (DA) where you can get evaluated directly by a licensed PT without a script. If you do not have a script, it is best to first call our office to see if you qualify for direct access, or we can schedule you with one of our on-site physicians.
Insurance Coverage
Every insurance plan is unique and we always encourage our patients to first call our new patient coordinator to find out what your PT benefits are prior to beginning PT. Being in physical pain and needing PT can be stressful enough, we always wan..