Things You Ought to Know about Work Conditioning & Hardening Programs
Things You Should Know about Work Conditioning & Hardening Programs
Work hardening and work conditioning are high levels of therapeutic intervention designed to help patients regain function before returning to work. These therapies are ideal for patients that have already progressed through traditional physical therapy, yet still, lack function in relation to a particular work environment or work duties. Work hardening and work conditioning use simulated or real work tasks to help prepare patients for a safe transition back to the workforce while preventing reinjury or new injuries. Preferred Rehab Inc. is one of the leading Detroit physical therapy clinics with our office based in Allen Park. We have Detroit physical therapists standing by to help you now.
An Overview of Work Conditioning
A rigorous conditioning program made to help the patients regain their cardiopulmonary, musculoskeletal, neurological, and systematic functions, including mobility, strength, balance, functional ..